Thanks again to Black Girl Nerds (@blackgirlnerds) and India (@indiamovies) for putting together this awesome blerd geek get together. It couldn't have been more fun Live Tweeting The He-Man and She-Ra: A Christmas Special. And the podcast turned into a truly memorable way to end the year with great peeps and tweeps. You can check out the hashtag #BlerdGeekHolidayParty
We were first joined by @BlerdWords, who gave us a throwback with a He-Man rap.
The friends of GSB quickly called in and joined the fun!
I threw the show into chaos when I asked why Man of Steel polarized us geeks so much!
<Geek Soul Brother> Hey everybody!
<jamiebgn> Hey guys!
<Guest 5> Hello! It's Natty!
<Guest 6> hi
<Guest 6> twitter: iamjackiebrown
<jamiebgn> you on mute while live tweeting...will join in the podcast when the live tweet ends 
<Guest 5> Hello everyone!
<Guest 5> Hey Scifigasm!
<StClinton> Hi All... Hope all are doing great....
<Scifigasm> hi
<Scifigasm> not listening to the call but just in the chat
<Scifigasm> poll!!
<Scifigasm> it was on netflix
<jamiebgn> That was so much fun!
Talkshoe want let me call in
Pollfabaire has left the chat
<Guest 12> Hey room!
<Guest 11> Hey all! Thanks for setting this up! It was really fun. (Twila Dang)
<Guest 12> erm, is anyone else in here? (Maurmaur82)
<Guest 8> Uh, my first time so I'm just listening.
<BlerdMedia> NO MILEY
<Guest 12> Did Trick Daddy get a mention?
<jamiebgn> Can we announce the name of the people talking on the call?
<Guest 16> test
<Guest 8> Dang, now that's a pic
ShotznBottlez is logged into the chat
<ShotznBottlez> hey blerd media!
<BlerdMedia> Hey, Hey!
<BlerdMedia> New name for the new chat?
<ShotznBottlez> yepp
<ShotznBottlez> you know i used to bartend BMG lol
<BlerdMedia> You're so worldly! 3 languages, baking, programming, bartending, etc, etc, etc!
<Guest 18> lol @ no flying cars! Right!
<Guest 12> Flying cars? Where are the f*ckin' robots!!
<Guest 12> One of the Transformers was dated 2010. It's 2013, almost 2014, and not actual transformers.
<ShotznBottlez> loll thanks ,I like to be well rounded BMG
<BlerdMedia> I see. So do I. SNS.
<ShotznBottlez> My resolution is to travel more and say "yes" more to other opportunities lol
<Guest 12> Not even a Veritech fighter
<ShareefJackson> yo
<Guest 14> How does she spell her name? I'm Kaia. Ki-EE-uh.
<Guest 18> Florida in the house!!
<jamiebgn> Hey Kaia!
<Guest 14> Heyyyyyy. Half circle wave.
<Guest 5> Hey!
<ShareefJackson> what's good, i finally got this working. listening in over the phone
<jamiebgn> Hey Shareef!
<ShareefJackson> damn call dropped won't let me back inthough
<ShareefJackson> oh well
<ShareefJackson> hey jamie
<ShotznBottlez> Lolll!
<Guest 14> Oh wow. Somebody has been hitting the negg eog hard
<ShareefJackson> ok i just joined as guest
<Guest 5> Hey guys!
<Guest 28> appreciate the comment to talk about science and math in a way that is accessible
<Guest 28> Blade Trinity is so awesomely bad that I rewatch it for fun:)
<ShareefJackson> thanks guest 28
<Guest 28> couldn't take the first Hulk because it lacked dignity. Remember how high Hulk bounced?
<Guest 28> RIP Peter O Toole.
SuperGirl also great for camp 
<Guest 33> RIP Peter O'Toole (no, I'm not over it)
<Guest 33> Been watching Lawrence of Arabia on repeat gross sobbing
<IndaLauryn> People were comparing it to Superman Returns.
<IndaLauryn> In comparison, Man of Steel is practically a masterpiece.
<Guest 27> Man of steel was split between tradition and what a modern day superman would actually be
<jamiebgn> Excellent point Inda
<Guest 33> Opinions on the Batman vs. Superman movie/
<Guest 33> ?
<IndaLauryn> The climax was wayyyyy too long
<IndaLauryn> it lasted like 40 minutes!
<Guest 28> So true that I'm still thinking Christopher Reeve when I think Superman movie. So I rewatch Smallville tv collection. How about you guys?
<jamiebgn> I enjoyed MOS
<Guest 27> the mythos of superman was flawed to begin with
<IndaLauryn> Me, too, but they could have cut the climax by about 20 minutes.
<Guest 27> the idea that he had humanity was always a huge flaw to that character
<jamiebgn> Alot of folks were also upset with the fact that Lois Lane knew about the duality of Clark Kent and Superman
<Guest 33> He was raised by humans...a flaw? or inevitable due to environment?
<IndaLauryn> Jamie, I actually like that she figured it out. She's supposed to be a Pulitzer prize winning journalist, so she should have figured it out.
<IndaLauryn> But I enjoy MOS because I'm always here for Michael Shannon.
<jamiebgn> I agree...just saying that was a plot point that didn't sit well with some folks
<IndaLauryn> I know, but that's the one thing that makes sense, so I don't see why people got upset about it.
Ouroboros has left the chat
<Guest 28> love the current conversation about the motivations of the villain:) What's Skeletor's motivation?
<Guest 36> Baby in bed... blerdwords listenin in...
<Guest 28> Is he really like Scar from Lion King or an evil uncle from Shakespeare?
<jamiebgn> I really had no idea Skeletor's voice was that weak. It wasn't menacing at all.
<Guest 28> Skeletor has a kindness towards puppies and small humans that need jackets.
<jamiebgn> I guess as a kid I didn't really know the difference
<Guest 33> Scar, definitely Shakespearean...but there are a lot of movie chars. that are.
<jamiebgn> LoL Guest28
<Guest 28> If the cartoon was on mute, I would have been scared of Skeletor and piggy-snorting Hordak:)
<Guest 28> so cool to hear about the people's choice noms 
<Guest 36> bye..
<Guest 28> Thanks everyone! Happy Holidays!
<Guest 28> bye for now
Guest 28 has left the chat
<Guest 36> Happy Holidays folks.... blerdwords name is Kyle, my friends call me Ferg
<Guest 37> is it still going on?
Guest 27 has left the chat
Guest 19 has left the chat
Guest 32 has left the chat
Ouroboros is logged into the chat
Guest 37 has left the chat
Ouroboros has left the chat
<Guest 17> What's BlerdWords?
Guest 33 has left the chat
<Guest 36> it's my blog @blerdwords and got a youtube channel too
<Guest 17> ooohk
<Guest 36> Going to keep my daughters in toon with BGN...
<Guest 17> that's cool
<Guest 12> shameless self promotion
ShotznBottlez has left the chat
<Guest 36> no problem with a little selfplug...:)
<jamiebgn> Thanks everyone! Happy Holidays!
<Guest 36> Good night all and happy holidays !
New York has hung up
<ShareefJackson> fun call - peace
<Guest 12> Happy Holidays!!
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