Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Fan Films and the Studios

Rain Storm film GlickIN THIS EPISODE:

Our main topic was about how Fan Films are very popular.  But what do the studios think about them?  The most recent example we look forward to is RAIN: a fan film about Storm by Maya Glick (@MayaSokora). Hopefully she can make it on the show one day soon.

  • Nerdy News

  • Idris Elba's Bow Tie

  • Fan Films, Indies and the Studios

  • Knit-Twerking (You just have to Listen to the Show)

  • TV Talk about Almost Human, Intelligence and Agents of SHIELD

  GSB-Logo-Blogtalk-300x GEEK SOUL BROTHER AND THE 5 NERDY VENOMS airs live on Tuesdays at 10pm at TALKSHOE.COM.  We feature News of a Nerdy kind, Movie and Television reviews, and commentary about Geek Culture.  Join my nerdy friends and I, and special guest for a great conversation.   Make sure you subscribe to the Talkshoe page so you can get emails on upcoming shows.  And you can find us in ITUNES HERE.